Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

HRM - Essay Example They tend to hire, promote, and retain minorities; encourage vendor diversity; and training for employees. Some, like Coca-Cola, Motorola, and Mars, actually conduct cultural audits to ensure that diversity is pervasive in the organization. Employee development is designed to help the organization ensure that it has the necessary talent internally for meeting future human resource needs. The focus of employee development is on a future position within the organization for which the employee requires additional competencies. Stoner, J. A. F. Freeman, R. E. Gilbert, D. R. (2006, pp. 187-216) argued that all managers are required to perform duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. For instance, when the president of a college hands out diplomas at commencement or a factory supervisor gives a group of high school students a tour of the plant, he or she is acting in a figurehead role. All managers also have a leadership role. This role includes hiring, training, motivating, and disciplining employees. The third role within the interpersonal grouping is the liaison role. Mintzberg, H. (1989: pp. 176-219) described this activity as contacting outsiders who provide the manager with information. These may be individuals or groups inside or outside the organization. The sales manager who obtains information from the quality-control manager in his or her own company has an internal liaison relationship. When that sales manager has contacts with other sales executives through a marketing trade association, he or she has an outside liaison relationship.1 Formal education: Golden, K. A. & Ramanujam, V. (1985: pp. 89-96) mentioned that the use of educational qualifications in screening candidates seems to be a universal practice. A recent study of 300 large organizations in 22 countries demonstrate that employee selection practices differ by nations but a few common procedures were found and formal education is one of them. Employee development and

Monday, October 28, 2019

What is Nutrition Essay Example for Free

What is Nutrition Essay OBJECTIVES: 1. Identify and discuss factors that affect food choices. (Course objective 1) 2. Define: nutrition, nutrients, essential nutrients, non essential nutrients, kilocalorie 3. Identify the six classes of nutrients utilized by humans and describe their basic functions in the body. (Course Objective 4) 4. Describe the steps of the scientific method. 5. Describe the following components of research studies: experimental group, control group, placebo, double-blind placebo-controlled study 6. Discuss the types of research studies and methods used to acquire valid nutrition information. (Course objective 2) 7. Differentiate between reputable and non-reputable sources of nutrition information. 8. Differentiate between the various methods used to assess the nutrient status of individuals and population groups. Discuss the pros and cons TEACH YOURSELF THE BASICS: What Drives Our Food Choices? 1. Identify at least five factors that influence our food choices. Taste,enjoyment, culture, environment, social reasons, and popular trends. 2. Discuss examples of at least three of the factors identified in question 1. Taste is considered the number one factor when it comes to choosing foods. Foods that are salty and sweet are among the top choices. Culture plays an important role in choosing food. Foods that are easily available to a group of the population are more likely to be eaten over foods that are rare to the location. Someone from China may have different choices than someone from Italy. Social trends also have a role to play in choosing food. What family and friends eat and foods considered popular may be chosen over other foods, despite health concerns. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 7) What is Nutrition? 1. Explain how the focus of the study of nutrition has changed over time. Nutrition began a few hundred years ago as a science relating nutrients to diseases and its affects, but today is used as a way to promote good health and long life by healthy eating. ​** Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 9) What are Nutrients? 1. List the six categories of nutrients found in foods and in the body. Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water 2. Which nutrients provide energy? Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Alcohol also provides energy but is not considered a nutrient. 3. When we use the term â€Å"calorie† to describe the energy content of food, are we actually referring to the word â€Å"calorie† or are we referring to the word â€Å"kilocalorie†? Explain. Kilocalorie, not calorie, is the correct term when referring to the energy content of food. Calorie is a much smaller unit of measurement. 4. How many kilocalories are provided in a gram of carbohydrate? Protein? Fats? Carbohydrates and Proteins have 4 kilocalories and Lipids or fats have 9 kilocalories. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 13) What Are the Primary Roles of the Individual Nutrients? 1. For each of the 6 classes of nutrients, briefly describe their primary role in the body. Use the table below to guide you. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. Carbohydrates are the body’s Mai’s source of energy. Proteins provide the building blocks, or amino acids, for tissue in the body. Fats are also a source of energy but in a more concentrated form. Water makes up a majority of the fluids in the body, as well as its tissues. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins help regulate metabolism and use other nutrients, while minerals assist in body processes. 2. List some food sources for carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Carbohydrates include bread, cereals and nuts. Lipids include butter and oils. Proteins include meat and dairy. 3. Classify the vitamins according to whether they are water soluble or fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the 8 B-complex vitamins. Fat soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and vitamin K. 4. Give examples of major minerals and trace minerals. Major minerals include calcium and magnesium, while Trace minerals include iron and zinc. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 16) What is Credible Nutrition Research? 1. What are some questions you can ask yourself to evaluate the credibility of published nutrition information (in print or on the internet)? Was the research findings published in a peer-reviewed journal? Was the study done on animals or humans? Is this the first time I have heard this? Do the study participants resemble me? 2. Describe the steps of the scientific method. Scientists observe the natural world, ask questions, and put forth or submit an explanation, called a hypothesis, bases on what they observed. Next they test this hypothesis to determine if it is correct or not. After testing or conducting an experiment, it can be determined if the hypothesis is supported or not by the findings. If supported, the findings can be published. If not supported, the scientist then must revise or redo the hypothesis. 3. Why is a double-blind placebo-controlled study considered the â€Å"gold standard† of research? This study is the gold standard because all variables are the same and controlled for the groups with no bias toward any group or researcher. 4. How does sample size affect the credibility of research results? The sample sizes must be large enough so that any differences in the study are related to treatment and not just chance. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 21) What Is Nutrition Assessment and What Does It Involve? 1. Briefly describe the different methods for assessing the nutrition status of individuals. Which one is the â€Å"best† method? Explain your reasoning. Anthropometric data is used to determine body size or composition. Data gathered is compared to reference standards, which can help determine risk factors for developing disease. Biochemical tests assess nutrient levels in body fluids, how fast nutrients are excreted through urine, and metabolic by products of nutrients found in urine. Clinical tests inspect the body for over or under nutrition by inspecting hair, nails and lips. Dietary intake can be measured by interviews and questionnaires to reveal lifestyle habits. The most important of the four would be anthropometric due to its ability to evaluate for disease such as diabetes. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 27) How Do We Assess the Nutritional Status of a Population Group? 1. How are nutritional assessment methods for a population group different than those which would be used for an individual? For a large population national surveys are used to determine nutritional status. How Does the American Diet Stack Up? 1. Summarize how the American diet compares to dietary recommendations. Americans eat too much protein, sugar, sodium, saturated fat and not enough fiber, some vitamins and minerals. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 30) What’s the Best Dietary Strategy for Health? 1. Is the following statement true or false: A variety of whole foods will meet everyone’s nutritional needs and there should be no need for nutritional supplements. Explain your ​answer. False. Some individuals have diet restrictions or higher nutrient needs such as a pregnant woman or someone who is lactose intolerant. **Make sure to read â€Å"The Take-Home Message† for this section (Pg. 31) VOCABULARY: Nutrition: The science that studies how nutrients and compounds in foods nourish the body and affect body functions and overall health. Nutrients: Compounds in foods that sustain body processes. There are six classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water Essential Nutrients: Nutrients that must be consumed from foods because they cannot be made in the body in sufficient quantities to meet its needs and support health. Nonessential Nutrients: Nutrients that can be made in sufficient quantities in the body to meet the body’s requirements and support health. Energy Yielding Nutrients: The three nutrients that provide energy to the body to fuel physiological functions: carbohydrates, lipids, and protein. Kilocalorie: The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade; used to express the measurement of energy in foods; 1 kilocalorie is equal to 1000 calories. Macronutrients: Organic nutrients, including the energy-containing carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water that the body needs in large amounts. Micronutrient: Essential nutrients the body needs in smaller amounts: vitamins and minerals. Water Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in water: Generally cannot be stored in the body and must be consumed. Fat Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body. Major Minerals: Minerals needed by the body in amounts greater than 5 grams; Aka Macro minerals. Trace Minerals: Minerals needed by the body in amounts less than 5 grams; Aka Micro minerals. Peer Reviewed Journal: A journal in which scientists publish research findings, after the findings have gone through a rigorous review process by other scientists. Observational Research: Research that involves systematically observing subjects to see if there is a relationship to certain outcomes. Experimental Group: In experimental research, the group of participants are given a specific treatment, such as a drug, as part of the study. Control Group: in experimental research, the group that does not receive the treatment but may be given a placebo instead; used as a standard for comparison. Placebo: An inactive substance, such as a sugar pill, administered to a control group during an experiment. Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study: An experimental study in which neither the researchers nor the subjects in the study are aware who is receiving the treatment or the placebo. Nutritional Genomics: A field of study of the relationship between genes, gene expression, and nutrition. Registered Dietician: A health professional who is a food and nutrition expert; RDs obtain a college degree in nutrition from an American Dietetic Association (ADA) accredited program, and pass an exam to become a Registered Dietician. Malnourished: A condition that results when the body does not receive the right amount of essential nutrients to maintain health; over nourished and undernourished are forms of malnutrition. Malabsorption: A problem associated with the lack of absorption of nutrients through the intestinal tract. Medical Nutrition Therapy: The integration of nutrition counseling and dietary changes based on individual medical and health needs, to treat a patient’s medical condition. Quackery: The promotion and selling of health products and services of questionable validity. Body Mass Index (BMI): A measurement calculated as height divided by weight squared; used to determine whether an individual is underweight, at a healthy weight, or overweight. Overweight: For adults, having a BMI greater than 25. Obesity: For adults, having a BMI greater than 30. ​Here are a few examples of reliable nutrition and health websites. †¢ American Dietetic Association: †¢ Centers for Disease Control: †¢ Food and Drug Administration: †¢ National Institutes of Health: †¢ U.S. Department of Agriculture: †¢ American Cancer Society: For additional resources, animations, and news stories over topics from this chapter, click on â€Å"Chapter Contents† on your Blackboard page, then click on â€Å"Chapter 1.†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Forest Soils on Acid Essay -- Ecology Nature Environmental Papers

Forest Soils on Acid Forest ecosystems are important both ecologically and economically. It is arguable that the most fundamental dynamic of the forest ecosystem is the forest soil. The acidity of forest soils can alter the chemistry, biota, and hydraulics of the soil, and thus, alter the soil formation characteristics and the soil composition. It follows that the acidification of forest soils demands a great deal of research and attention. Forest soils are commonly found to have pH readings of 4-6, even in areas of moderate to low acid deposition (Binkley et al, p. 4). In fact, an abundance of forest vegetation thrives on and stabilizes most forest soils at relatively low pH levels. It seems as though forest ecosystems generally thrive upon strongly acid soils. Though forest soils naturally are acidic, problems can occur when the acidity levels are raised artificially through processes such as acid rain. This paper will investigate the effects of higher than normal acidity and acid deposition in forest soils to gain a greater understanding of current and potential problems to forest soils and ecosystems. It is important to remember when discussing the implications of high acid in forest soils that there are several general factors that will alter acidic effects on soil chemistry, hydrology, biota, and weathering. These factors include soil type, soil sensitivity, and the quantity of precipitation. Texture, structure, grain size, and consistence are all crucial to defining the soil type or series and also to the amount of time soil is exposed to acid deposition. In a particular study on humus degradation based on simulated "acid rains" conducted by Greszta et al. (1991) revealed the extent to which soil type influenced ... ...556-563. Mulder, J., J.J. M. van Grinsven, and N. van Breemen. 1987. Impacts of acid atmospheric deposition on woodland soils in the Netherlands: III. aluminum chemistry. Soil Science Society of America Journal 51: pp. 1640-1646. Rampazzo, N., and W.E.H. Blum. 1992. Changes in chemistry and minerology of forest soils by acid rain. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 61: pp. 209-220. Sharpe, W.E., B.R. Swistock, and D.R. Dewalle. 1992. A greenhouse study of northern red oak seedling growth on two forest soils at different stages of acidification. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 66: pp. 121-133. Singer, M.J., and D.N. Munns. 1996. Soils: An Introduction. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey. Tamm, C.O., and L. Hallbacken. 1986. Changes in soil pH over a 50-year period under different forest canopies in SW Sweden. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 31: pp. 337 341.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shakespeares Othello - Pitied Desdemona Essay -- Othello essays

Othello and Pitied Desdemona  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello sees the destruction of two very beautiful people because of a sinister intervention by a third. The most beautiful of all is the lovely and irreproachable Desdemona. Let us in this essay consider her character.    In her book, Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack comments on the heroine’s final song:    Desdemona, preparing for bed on the night that will be her last, remembers her mother’s maid â€Å"called Barbary†:    She was in love, and he she loved proved mad And did forsake her. She had a song of â€Å"Willow;† An old thing ‘twas; but it expressed her fortune, And she died singing it. That song to-night Will not go from my mind. (4.3.25)    Here time present, in which Desdemona speaks and sings, and time future, in which we know she (like Barbary) is to die from an absolute fidelity to her intuition of what love is and means, recede even as we watch into a lost time past, when Desdemona had a mother and all love’s agonies and complexities could be comprehended in a song. (132)    In Act 1 Scene1, Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him to the home of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, in the middle of the night. Once there the two awaken him with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. In response to Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed and, with Roderigo’s help, gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. Once that Brabantio has located Othello, the father presses charges publicly in order to have Desdemona returned:   ... Shakespeare: The Pattern in His Carpet. N.p.: n.p., 1970.    Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.    Pitt, Angela. â€Å"Women in Shakespeare’s Tragedies.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"The Engaging Qualities of Othello.† Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Introduction to The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare. N. p.: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1957.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Organizational Structure and Culture Essay

Knowledge – Mastery of facts, range of information in subject matter area. Skills – Proficiency, expertise, or competence in given area; e.g., science, art, crafts. Abilities – Demonstrated performance to use knowledge and skills when needed. KSA Definitions Interpersonal Skill Is aware of, responds to, and considers the needs, feelings, and capabilities of others. Deals with conflicts, confrontations, disagreements in a positive manner, which minimizes personal impact, to include controlling one’s feelings and reactions. Deals effectively with others in both favorable and unfavorable situations regardless of status of position. Accepts interpersonal and cultural diversity. Team Skill Establishes effective working relationships among team members. Participates in solving problems and making decisions. Communications Presents and expresses ideas and information clearly and concisely in a manner appropriate to the audience, whether oral or written. Actively listens to what others are saying to achieve understanding. Shares information with others and facilitates the open exchange of ideas and information. Is open, honest, and straightforward with others. Planning and Organizing Establishes courses of action for self to accomplish specific goals [e.g., establishes action plans]. Identifies need, arranges for, and obtains resources needed to accomplish own goals and objectives. Develops and uses tracking systems for monitoring own work progress. Effectively uses resources such as time and information. Organizational Knowledge and Competence Acquires accurate information concerning the agency components, the mission[s] of each relevant organizational unit, and the principal programs in the agency. Interprets and utilizes information about the formal and informal organization, including the organizational structure, functioning, and relationships among units. Correctly identifies and draws upon source[s] of information for support. Problem Solving and Analytical Ability Identifies existing and potential problems/issues. Obtains relevant information about the problem/issue, including recognizing whether or not more information is needed. Objectively evaluates relevant information about the problem/issue. Identifies the specific cause of the problem/issue. Develops recommendations, develops and evaluates alternative course of action, selects courses of action, and follows up. Judgment Makes well reasoned and timely decisions based on careful, objective review and informed analysis of available considerations and factors. Supports decisions or recommendations with accurate information or reasoning. Direction and Motivation Sets a good example of how to do the job; demonstrates personal integrity, responsibility, and accountability. Provides advice and assistance to help others accomplish their work. Directs/motivates self. Decisiveness Identifies when immediate action is needed, is willing to make decisions, render judgments, and take action. Accepts responsibility for the decision, including sustaining effort in spite of obstacles. Self-Development Accurately evaluates own performance and identifies skills and abilities as  targets of training and development activities related to current and future job requirements. Analyzes present career status. Sets goals [short and/or long term]. Identifies available resources and methods for self-improvement. Sets realistic time frames for goals and follows up. Flexibility Modifies own behavior and work activities in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles. Views issues/problems from different perspectives. Considers a wide range of alternatives, including innovative or creative approaches. Strives to take actions that are acceptable to others having differing views. Leadership Ability to make right decisions based on perceptive and analytical processes. Practices good judgment in gray areas. Acts decisively. KSA Definitions {General Supervisory/Manager Competencies} Problem Solving and Analytical Ability Identifies existing and potential problems; notes, understands, and includes the critical elements of problem situations; obtains and evaluates relevant information; demonstrates awareness that new and/or additional information sources are required; notes interrelationships among elements; identifies possible causes of the problems; recognizes the need to shift to an alternative course of action including innovative or creative approaches; and appropriately terminates information collection and evaluation activities. Planning and Organizing Identifies requirements; allocates, and effectively uses information, personnel, time, and other resources necessary for mission accomplishment; establishes appropriate courses of action for self and/or others to accomplish specific goals; develops evaluation criteria and tracking systems for monitoring goal progress and accomplishment; and specifies objectives, schedules, and priorities. Decisiveness Makes decisions, renders judgments, and takes action on difficult or unpleasant tasks in a timely fashion, to include the appropriate communication of both negative and positive information and decisions. Judgment Develops and evaluates alternative courses of action; makes decisions based on correct assumptions concerning resources and guidelines; supports decisions or recommendations with data or reasoning; defines and implements solutions to problems; and recognizes when no action is required. Communication Skill Presents and expresses ideas and information effectively and concisely in an oral and/or written mode; listens to and comprehends what others are saying; shares information with others and facilitates the open exchange of ideas and information; is open, honest, and straightforward with others; provides a complete and timely explanation of issues and decisions in a manner appropriate for the audience; and presents information and material in a manner that gains the agreement of others. Interpersonal Skill Is aware of, responds to, and considers the needs, feelings, and capabilities of others; deals effectively with others in favorable and unfavorable situations regardless of their status or position; accepts interpersonal and cultural differences; manages conflict/confrontations/ disagreements in a positive manner that minimizes personal impact, to include controlling one’s own feelings and reactions; and provides appropriate support to others. Direction and Motivation Motivates and provides direction in the activities of others to accomplish goals; gains the respect and confidence of others; appropriately assigns work and authority to others in the accomplishment of goals; provides advice and assistance as required. Supervisory role Performance Displays knowledge of the roles, responsibilities, and duties of supervisors and managers; accurately assesses the impact upon others of role performance; and supports and promotes organizational decisions, policies, programs, and initiatives such as EEO and Affirmative Action. Specialty Competence Understands and appropriately applies procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies; maintains credibility with others on specialty matters; uses appropriate procedures or systems in the operation and/or staff environment as the position requires. Organizational Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of the department’s or agency’s organizational components, the mission[s] of each relevant organizational unit, and the principal programs in the organization. Leadership Establishes work standards and expectations for self and others. Appropriately assigns/delegates work and authority to others in the accomplishment of goals. Keeps goals and objectives in sight at all times, monitors progress toward goals, and works to overcome barriers and obstacles. Provides coaching, advice, and assistance as required; e.g., helps subordinates overcome obstacles and deal with problems. Appropriately assesses contributions and p performance of employees; provides appropriate recognition, and deals with problems as they arise. Instills in others a sense of pride in the job at hand. Executive Core Competencies [ECC] ECC #1Leading Change ECC #2Leading People ECC #3Results Driven ECC #4Business Acumen ECC #5Building Coalitions/Communications ECC #1 Leading Change This core qualification encompasses the ability to develop and implement an organizational vision which integrates key national and program goals, priorities, values, and other factors. Inherent to it is the ability to balance change and continuity – to continually strive to improve customer service and program performance within the basic government framework, to create a work environment that encourages creative thinking, and to maintain focus, intensity and persistence, even under adversity. Key Characteristics: 1. Exercising leadership and motivating managers to incorporate vision, strategic planning, and elements of quality management into the full range of the organization’s activities; encouraging creative thinking and innovation; influencing others toward a spirit of service; designing and implementing new or cutting edge programs/processes. 2. Identifying and integrating key issues affecting the organization, including political, economic, social, technological, and administrative factors. 3. Understanding the roles and relationships of the components of the state or regional policy making and implementation process, including the Governor, legislature, the judiciary, local governments, and interest groups; and formulating effective strategies to balance those interests consistent with the business of the organization. 4. Being open to change and new information; tolerating ambiguity; adapting behavior and work methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; adjusting rapidly to new situations warranting attention and resolution. 5. Dealing effectively with pressure; maintaining focus and intensity and remaining persistent, even under adversity; recovering quickly from setbacks. 6. Displaying a high level of initiative, effort, and commitment to public service; being proactive and achievement-oriented; being self-motivated; pursuing self-development; seeking feedback from others and opportunities to master new knowledge. Leadership Competencies Creativity and Innovation – Develops new insights into situations and applies innovative solutions to make organizational improvements; creates a work environment that encourages creative thinking and innovation; designs and implements new or cutting-edge programs/processes. Resilience – Deals effectively with pressure; maintains focus and intensity and remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks. Effectively balances personal life and work. Continual Learning – Grasps the essence of new information; masters new technical and business knowledge; recognizes own strengths and weaknesses; pursues self-development; seeks feedback from others and opportunities to master new knowledge. Service Motivation – Creates and sustains an organizational culture which encourages others to provide the quality of service essential to high performance. Enables others to acquire the tools and support they need to perform well. Shows a commitment to public service. Influence others toward a spirit of service and meaningful contributions to mission accomplishment. External Awareness – Identifies and keeps up to date on key national and international policies and economic, political, and social trends that affect the organization. Understands near-term and long-range plans and determines how best to be positioned to achieve a competitive business advantage. Strategic Thinking – Formulates effective strategies consistent with the business and competitive strategy of the organization. Examines policy issues and strategic planning with a long-term perspective. Determines objectives and sets priorities; anticipates potential threats or opportunities. Flexibility – Is open to change and new information; adapts behavior and wok methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles. Adjust rapidly to new situations warranting attention and resolution. Vision – Takes a long-term view and acts as a catalyst for organizational change; builds a shared vision with others. Influences others to translate vision into action. ECC #2 Leading People This core competency involves the ability to design and implement strategies which maximize employee potential and foster high ethical standards in meeting the organization’s vision, mission, and goals. Key Characteristics: 1. Providing leadership in setting the workforce’s expected performance levels commensurate with the organization’s strategic objectives; inspiring, motivating, and guiding others toward total accomplishment; empowering people by sharing power and authority. 2. Promoting quality through effective use of the organization’s performance management system [e.g., establishing performance standards, appraising staff accomplishments using the developed standards, and taking action to reward, counsel, or remove employees, as appropriate]. 3. Valuing cultural diversity and other differences; fostering an environment where people who are culturally diverse can work together cooperatively and effectively in achieving organizational goals. 4. Assessing employees’ unique developmental needs and providing developmental opportunities which maximize employees’ capabilities and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals; developing leadership in others through coaching and mentoring. 5. Fostering commitment, team spirit, pride, trust, and group identity; taking steps to prevent situations what could result in unpleasant confrontations. 6. R3solving conflicts in a positive and constructive manner; this includes promoting labor/management partnerships and dealing effectively with employee relations matters, attending to morale and organizational climate issues, handling administrative, labor management, and EEO issues, and taking disciplinary actions when others means have not been successful. Leadership Competencies Conflict Management – Identifies and takes steps to prevent potential situations that could result in unpleasant confrontations. Manages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a positive and constructive manner to minimize negative impact. Integrity/Honesty – Instills mutual trust and confidence; creates a culture that fosters high standards of ethics; behaves in a fair and ethical manner toward others, and demonstrates a sense of corporate responsibility and commitment to public service. Cultural Aw3areness – Initiates and manages cultural change within the organization to impact organizational effectiveness. Values cultural diversity and other individual differences in the workforce. Ensures that the organization builds on these differences and that employees are treated in a fair and equitable manner. Team Building – Inspires, motivates, and guides others toward goal accomplishments. Consistently develops and sustains cooperative working relationships. Encourages and facilitates cooperation within the organization and with customer groups; fosters commitment, team spirit, pride, trust. Develops leadership in others through coaching, mentoring, rewarding, and guiding employees. ECC #3 Results Driven This core competency stresses accountability and continuous improvement. It includes the ability to make timely and effective decisions and produce results through strategic planning and the implementation and evaluation of programs and policies. Key Characteristics: 1. Understanding and appropriately applying procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise; understanding linkages between administrative competencies and mission needs; keeping current on issues, practices, and procedures in technical areas. 2. Stressing results by formulating strategic program plans which assess policy/program feasibility and include realistic short and long-term goals and objectives. 3. Exercising good judgment in structuring and organizing work an setting priorities; balancing the interests of clients and readily readjusting priorities to respond to customer demands. 4. Anticipating and identifying, diagnosing, and consulting on potential or actual problem areas relating to program implementation and goal achievement; selecting from alternative courses of corrective action, and taking action from developed contingency plans. 5. Setting program standards; holding self and others accountable for achieving these standards; acting decisively to modify them to promote customer service and/or quality of programs and policies. 6. Identifying opportunities to develop and market new products and services with or outside of the organization; taking risks to pursue a recognized benefit or advantage. Leadership competencies Accountability – Assures that effective controls are developed and maintained to ensure the integrity of the organization. Holds self and others accountable for rules and responsibilities. Can be relied upon to ensure that projects within areas of specific responsibility are completed in a timely manner and within budget. Monitors and evaluates plans; focuses on results and measuring attainment of outcomes. Entrepreneurship – Identifies opportunities to develop and market new products and services within or outside of the organization. Is willing to take risks; initiates actions that involve a deliberate risk to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage. Customer Service – Balancing interests of a variety of clients; readily readjust priorities to respond to pressing and changing client demands. Anticipates and meets the need of clients; achieves quality end-products; is committed to continuous improvement of services. Problem Solving – Identifies and analyzes problems; distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant information to make logical decisions; provides solutions to individual and organizational problems. Decisiveness – Exercises good judgment by making sound and well-informed decision; perceives the impact and implications of decisions; makes effective and timely decisions, even when data is limited or solutions produce unpleasant consequences; is proactive and achievement oriented. Technical Credibility – Understands and appropriately applies procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise. Is able to make sound hiring and capital resource decisions and to address training and development needs. Understand linkages between administrative competencies and mission needs. ECC #4 Business Acumen This core competency involves the ability to acquire and administer human, financial, material, and information resources in a manner which instills public trust and accomplishes the organization’s mission, and to use new technology to enhance decision making. Key Characteristics 1. Assessing current and future staffing needs based on organizational goals and budget realities. Applying sound human resource principles to develop, select, and manage a diverse workforce. 2. Overseeing the allocation of financial resources; identifying cost-effective approaches; establishing and assuring the use of internal controls for financial systems. 3. Managing the budgetary process, including preparing and justifying a budget and operating the budget under organizational and legislative procedures; understanding the marketing expertise necessary to ensure appropriate funding levels. 4. Overseeing procurement and contracting procedures and processes. 5. Integrating and coordinating logistical operations. 6. Ensuring the efficient and cost-effective development and utilization of management information systems and other technological resources that meet the organization’s needs; understanding the impact of technological changes on the organization. Leadership Competencies Financial Management – Demonstrates broad understanding of principles of financial management and marketing expertise necessary to ensure appropriate funding levels. Prepares, justifies, and/or administers the budget for the program area; uses cost-benefit thinking to set priorities; monitors expenditures in support of programs and policies, Identifies cost-effective approaches. Manages procurement and contracting. Technological Management – Uses efficient and cost-effective approaches to integrate technology into the workplace and improve program effectiveness. Develops strategies using new technology to enhance decision making. Understands the impact of technological changes on the organization. Human Resource Management – Assesses current and future staffing needs based on organizational goals and budget realities. Using merit principles, ensure staff are appropriately selected, developed, utilized, appraised, and rewarded; takes corrective action. ECC #5 Building Coalitions/Communication This core competency involves the ability to explain, advocate and express facts and ideas in a convincing manner, and negotiate wit5h individuals and groups internally and externally. It also involves the ability to develop an expansive professional network with other organizations, and to identify the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Key Characteristics 1. Representing and speaking for the organizational unit and its work [e.g., presenting, explaining, selling, defining, and negotiating] to those within and outside the office [e.g., agency heads and other government executives; corporate executives; Department of Administrative Services budget officials; legislative members and staff; the media; governor’s office; clientele and professional groups]; making clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals and groups; listening effectively and clarifying information; facilitating an open exchange of ideas. 2. Establishing and maintaining working relationships with internal organizational units [e.g., other program areas and staff support functions]; approaching each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political reality; using contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases; getting understanding and support from higher level management. 3. Developing and enhancing alliances with external groups [e.g., other agencies or firms, state and local governments, legislature, and clientele groups]; engaging in cross-functional activities; finding common ground with a widening range of stakeholders. 4. Working in groups and teams; conducting briefings and othe45r meetings; gaining cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals; facilitating â€Å"win-win† situations. 5. Considering and responding appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people in different situations is tactful and treats others with respect. 6. Seeing that reports, memoranda, and other documents reflect the position and work of the organization in a clear, convincing, and organized manner. Leadership Competencies Influencing/Negotiating – Persuades others; builds consensus through give and take; gains cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals; facilitates â€Å"win-win† situations. Partnering – Develops networks and builds alliances, engages in cross-functional activities; collaborates across boundaries, and finds common ground with a widening range of stakeholders. Utilizes contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases. Interpersonal Skills – Considers and responds appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people in different situations; is tactful, compassionate and sensitive, and treats others with respect. Political Savvy – Identifies the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Approaches each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political reality; recognizes the impact of alternative courses of action. Oral Communication – Makes clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals or groups; listens effectively and clarifies information as needed; facilitates an open exchange of ideas and fosters an atmosphere of open communication. Written Communication – Expresses facts and ideas in writing in a clear, convincing and organized manner.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Connor Surname Meaning and Origin

Connor Surname Meaning and Origin Connelly is a patronymic surname, the shortened form O’Connor, which in turn is an Anglicization of the Gaelic Ó Conchobhair or Ó Conchà ºir, meaning descendant of Conchobhar. The name Conchobhar is thought to mean lover of hounds, from the Gaelic con, meaning hound or wolf, and cobhair, aid, or desiring. The Connor name is also thought to denote strength and leadership, from conn, meaning wisdom, strength, counsel, plus cobhair. The OConnors descend from several distinct royal Irish families and clans; they are from Clare, Derry, Galway, Kerry, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo and the province of Ulster. CONNOR is one of 50 common Irish surnames of modern Ireland. Surname Origin: Irish Alternate Surname Spellings: CONNER, CONOR, OCONNOR, OCONOR, COUROY, CON, CONE, CONNE, KONNOR Famous People with the Surname CONNOR: Sandra Day OConnor - former U.S. Supreme Court justiceRoger Connor - American baseball Hall of FamerFlannery OConnor - American writerSinà ©ad OConnor - Irish singer-songwriter Genealogy Resources for the Surname CONNOR and OCONNOR British Surname Profiler - Distribution of the Connor Surname: Trace the geography and history of the Connor surname through this free online database based on a University College London (UCL) project investigating the distribution of surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic.Connor Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Connor surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Connor surname query.FamilySearch - CONNOR Genealogy: Find historical records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Connor surname and its variations.CONNOR Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Connor surname.Cousin Connect - CONNOR Genealogy Queries: Read or post genealogy queries for the surname Connor, and sign up for free notification when new Connor queries are - CONNOR Genealogy Family History:  Free databases and genealogy links f or the last name Connor.

Monday, October 21, 2019

First-Year Residency Requirements for College

First-Year Residency Requirements for College At many colleges and universities, you will need to live in the residence halls for your first year or two of college. A few schools require campus residency for all four years. Even if your school allows students to live off campus, consider the pros and cons of living on campus before making a final decision. Why Youre Required to Live on Campus Your First Year of College Students are most likely to stay at a college when they feel like they belong. This sense of belonging has a direct impact on a colleges retention rate and graduation rate. When new students live off campus, they are less likely to get involved in campus clubs and activities and will have a harder time making friends among fellow students.When a student lives on campus, the college has an easier time helping out should that student encounter trouble on the academic or social front. Resident Advisors (RAs) and Resident Directors (RDs) are trained to intervene and assist when students are struggling, and they can help direct students to the appropriate people and resources on campus.A college education is about much more than taking classes and earning a degree. Residential life teaches many important life skills: resolving conflicts with a roommate, suitemates, and/or students on your hall; learning to live with people who may be quite different from you; building a living and learnin g community; and so on. At most schools, campus residence halls are much closer to important facilities (library, gym, health center, etc.) than off-campus apartments.Colleges have little ability to monitor illegal behavior off campus, but within the residence halls, activities such as underage drinking and illegal drug use can be detected and responded to much more readily.  When you are a new student, it can be a huge benefit to be living in the same building with upper-class students and/or RAs who know the campus and academic expectations well. Youre also more likely to find mentors in a campus residence hall than in an off-campus apartment.Along with having upper-class mentors, youll also have a peer group that will include students taking some of the same classes as you. Living on campus gives you ready access to study groups, and peers can often help if you are forced to miss a class or if you find material from a lecture confusing. Along with the obvious benefits of living on campus, colleges have a few reasons for keeping students on campus that may be a bit less altruistic. Specifically, colleges dont make all of their money from tuition dollars. For the great majority of schools, significant revenues also flow from room and board charges. If dorm rooms sit empty and not enough students are signed up for meal plans, the college will have a harder time balancing its budget. If more states move forward with free tuition plans for in-state students at public universities (such as New Yorks Excelsior Program), all college revenue will come from room, board, and associated fees. Exceptions to College Residency Requirements Keep in mind that very few colleges have residential policies that are set in stone, and exceptions are often made. If your family lives very close to the college, you can often get permission to live at home. Doing so obviously has significant cost benefits, but dont lose sight of the valuable experiences you might miss out on by choosing to commute. By living at home, you wont be getting the full college experience, including learning how to be independent.Some colleges with two- or three-year residency requirements allow strong students to petition to live off campus sooner. If youve proven your academic and personal maturity, you may be able to move off campus earlier than many of your classmates.At some schools, it may also be possible to petition to live off campus for reasons related to specific health and wellness needs. For example, you might be able to petition to live off campus if the college cant meet your atypical dietary requirements or if you need access to regular healthcare that simply isnt feasible in a college residence hall.   A Final Word About Residency Requirements Every college has residency requirements that were developed for the unique situation of the school. Youll find that some urban schools as well as some universities that have been experiencing rapid expansion, simply dont have enough dormitory space to handle all of their students. Such schools often cannot guarantee housing and may be happy for you to live off campus. At any school, its important to weigh the pros and cons of living off campus before making a decision. Time spent cooking meals and commuting to campus is time that wont be spent on your studies, and not all students do well with too much independence.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian Throughout childhood, we grow up hearing negative commands. Our parents say phrases, like Dont bother your brother!, Stop yelling!, Dont forget to do your homework!, or Don’t make a mess! And even though our intention isn’t to learn Italian so we can yell negative commands at our children, knowing how to use them in Italian can prove useful, particularly in situations like giving advice to a friend about a guy that sounds like trouble or suggesting that someone not eating something unhealthy. But first, where do these negative commands come from? The Imperative Mood The imperative mood is a way of giving advice, suggestions, or commands. If you need a refresher, read this article: The Imperative Mood in Italian. When it comes using this mood, the form of the verb depends on whether you use the â€Å"tu† form, the â€Å"lei† form, the â€Å"noi† form, and the â€Å"voi† form, which I’ll break down below. Negative Commands Using the â€Å"tu† Form The negative tu command forms of all verbs are formed by the infinitive of the verb preceded by non: Non dire cosà ¬! - Don’t talk like that!Non fare il guastafeste! - Don’t be a party-pooper!Non mangiare quell’hamburger! Non à ¨ sano. - Don’t eat that hamburger! It’s not healthy. But what happens when you start to add some more complicated elements to the mix, like pronouns, for example? Non andarci! - Don’t go there!Non glielo dare! / Non darglielo! - Dont give it to him!Non ne parlare mai pià ¹! - Don’t bring it up ever again! If you’re dealing with reflexive verbs, you would either place the pronoun at beginning or at the end of the conjugated verb, like: Non ti preoccupare! / Non preoccuparti! - Don’t worry!Non ti addormentare. / Non addormentarti. - Don’t fall asleep.Non ti sposare! / Non sposarti! - Don’t get married! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"lei† Form The negative â€Å"lei† command is formed by placing â€Å"non† before the verb that’s been conjugated in the imperative mood. Non parli! - Don’t speak!Non mangi quel piatto. - Don’t eat that dish.Non parta! - Don’t leave!Non creda (a) quello che dice lui! - Don’t believe what he says! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi† Forms The negative â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi: command forms of all verbs are formed simply by placing non before the affirmative forms: Voi Non dormite! - Don’t sleep!Non fate rumore! - Don’t make a sound!Non parlate! - Don’t speak!Non fumate! - Don’t smoke!Non andate in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andate in un altro. - Don’t go to that store to do the shopping, go to a different one. Noi Non dormiamo! - Let’s not sleep.Non facciamo rumore. - Let’s not make any noise.Non andiamo in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andiamo in un altro. - Let’s not go to that store to do the shopping, let’s go to a different one. Tip: Notice how the â€Å"noi† form is less seen as a command and more often seen as a suggestion.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Material Flow Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Material Flow Accounting - Essay Example These methods have proved popular at national levels following the new Think Green Trend which now seems to have taken over even the fiscal and monetary policy of the public and private sector and has often even been termed a system for integrated environmental and economic accounting. Browne (2005).The EIA and the EMS have proved to be very popular tools of the Environmental Impact Assessment strategies and the trend has so far not been restricted to the USA but many other jurisdictions are now changing their laws (particularly the EU) in order to be better able to reduce the stress on natural sources and the environmental impacts and increase the operating efficiency of certain firms which may otherwise be an environmental hazard. (Durrenberger, G., Hartmann, C.2002).The EIS is fast becoming a tool for An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and such a statement through the use of accounting techniques like the MFA and LCA(discussed down below will be used to give an assessment of the positive and/or negative environmental influences that a project may have on the environment. The statement will then identify and foresee the social and biological impacts ion the environment as a part of good practice and sometimes legal compulsion in many countries today to decide whether the project being undertaken is worth the damage it will have on the environment. ... (Fehily, Timoney & Co. 1999).To facilitate such as analysis two techniques have developed in the yester decades to provide a more technical prediction of the environmental cost and benefit analysis. (Fehily, Timoney & Co. 1999)Firstly there is the Material flow analysis (MFA) which will amalgamate the material flows with in a development transaction and will also calculate indicators and develop strategies and measures for improving material flow systems.Thus academic opinion has endorsed it a credible method of assuring the sustainability of industrial ecology along with the techniques of LCA ( life cycle assessment).The MFA will be used while making decisions in the EMS and EIS by capturing the mass balances in an economy or an upcoming development transaction , where inputs (extractions + imports) equal outputs (consumptions + exports+ accumulation + wastes), and will utilize the laws of Thermodynamics. (Fehily, Timoney & Co. 1999).This method facilitates the decision making proce ss in the Impact Assessment by recognizing that the total amount of matter and energy involved at each and every stage of the economic cycle is required for all economic activities. The pith and substance of the analysis thus becomes the query whether flow of materials is sustainable in terms of the environmental burden it creates. (Fehily, Timoney & Co. 1999). In an EIS statement the MFA will be used to minimize the flow of materials while maximizing the human welfare generated by the flow. This is because the MFA system is involved in the monitoring of wastes that are typically unaccounted for in traditional economic analyses. (Kahn, H., Brown, W., Martel, L. 1976). Similarly then we have the system for the life

Friday, October 18, 2019

Slavery Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Slavery Trade - Essay Example As the report stresses various abolitionist laws were instituted, though slave trade still grew dramatically spreading to the Northern parts of the American continent.   During this time, there was a gradual growth and expansion of the cotton industry. With the tremendous expansion of the cotton industries which were mostly found in the southern part of the American continent, labor force became a challenge to the industry stakeholders. Acquiring and retaining an adequate workforce that could carry out the day to day activities within the cotton industry became a major challenge to the industry players thus they had to seek a solution.From this paper it is clear that  most of the laborers within the cotton industry at that time were of British origin and were only available as indenture servants. These laborers offered their services in the cotton fields and industry on contractual basis, thus were never reliable to the industry players. They had the tendency of signing contracts that were indenture in nature. They in return received payments in various forms for their services in cotton industries and fields. In most cases, the laborers received payment in the form of upkeep. The cotton field owners and the industry stakeholders had to offer upkeep for the laborers as payment for the services they offered in their fields and cotton industries. Either, the laborers received passage from the cotton field owners and industry owners for the services they offered.

Ancient Art Unit 2 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ancient Art Unit 2 DB - Research Paper Example This statue was originally sculpted and cast to illustrate a treatise (now lost) written by Polykleitos called the Kanon. A piece of Roman art that is also quite impactive is the Colosseum (Knapp & Lehmberg, 2000). Set in ancient Rome, this art was a symbol of Roman dominance and rule. The two art pieces are quite similar in some various aspects. The similarity is found in context, blend and style, and is what makes them some unique pieces (Leonardo & Otinno, 1969). They are however also different in form. One is abstract while the other is representational. The Doryphoros is a two dimensional work of art that achieves a balance of straight and bent, tense and relaxed form that marks it as an ideal example of contrapposto piece (Ritcher, 1970). The Colosseum however is a three dimensional work of art, falls under the representational category and cannot be labeled as a contrapposto piece. In conclusion, the Doryphoros is symbolic to the Greek culture and represents proportionality and completeness in structure and design. The Colosseum was a symbol of Roman power and rule. Both pieces have historical significance as they signify an important period of time in both

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Knit of the 19th century in two different cultures Essay

Knit of the 19th century in two different cultures - Essay Example This essay discusses that it is also important to speak about the changes brought by the French Revolution as well as wars in England that disrupted the knit trade. In general, â€Å"the knitting industry began to decline in the 19th century†. Despite this fact, people continued to knit clothes for personal use.Thus, one may arrive at a conclusion that English knitting was more developed and organized. It is due to the fact that there were great differences between these two countries. It is patent that Britain of the 19th century was a powerful independent Kingdom dominating all over the globe. At the same time, there was no such a notion as the country of Iceland. At that time, its territories were dependent on the Denmark. Nevertheless, one cannot deny the fact that both cultures have something in common when speaking about the production of knitted clothing. In both cultures, men along with women were involved in it. In addition to that, the end of the century for both cul tures signified the switch to the knitting machines (Davis, 2014). Despite it, they tried to make use of certain cultural traditions to satisfy the demands of the market. Besides, they both preserved their unique features and traditions that the knitters apply to this very day. What is more important is that even when these cultures witnessed the decline of the knit manufacture, they continued to produce the knitted clothes for themselves, as they were aware of that these ones became a part of their identity.

The Lynching of Persons of Mexican Origin in the United States Essay

The Lynching of Persons of Mexican Origin in the United States - Essay Example They formed organization among Mexican Americans in the Southwest of United States. A number of local southwest social and political clubs were mainly comprised of both Mexican Americans and Mexicans that united and formed the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). LULAC played a significant in establishing how Mexicans racial identity was derived from their class status and how whiteness played a role in racial and class construction in the Southwest. The leaders voted to limit membership in the organization to U.S. citizens, but half of the members left the conference in protest. However, the LULAC had significant success helping the Mexicans Americans fight for their identity. Carrigan and Webb (412) indicate that the LULAC was the regional equivalent of the national association for the advancement of Colored People (NAACP). It financed a couple of anti segregation and antidiscrimination cases that were brought on behalf of Mexicans Americans in California, Texas and Ne w Mexico. It derived victories in education and jury selection identity. Meanwhile, parents of migrant children won a suit against a California school district for segregating Mexican American and Mexican children from whites. These children travelled miles by bus to attend Mexicans schools in other school districts because it was illegal to attend white neighborhood schools. The origins of this case were due to inconsistency of the binary racial logic of the United States and the racial complexity of the Mexicans based on their unique claims to white identity. Meanwhile, Americans Mexicans fought for their identity by presenting their claims in jury hearings because they were discriminated against as a class. Discrimination indicated there was a lack of their jury rolls in United States. Although they fought for their rights, the discrimination cases indicated that abstract identity was itself internally fractured by class difference. Carrigan and Webb (415) indicate that the fight for identity revealed what is referred to as whiteness and the social construction of Mexicans in Southwest. Mexican Americans were legally referred to as Whites due to the treaty obligations with Mexico that allowed Mexicans to become United States Citizens. The federal laws practiced at that period required that an alien to be White he or she was supposed to become United States Citizen. Thus, the government of Mexico and the U.S department of state forced the United States census Bureau to reclassify Mexican as white. In the Texas school desegregation case, the Jury ruled that Mexican children could not be segregated on the racial basis but it allowed segregation based on linguistic issues or migrant status. Institutions that are controlled by dominant groups have established the legal definitions of a racial group and force them to adhere to their status quo. Thus, the law in United States considered racial group identity when such identity was based on exclusion and subordinat ion of Mexicans. For instance, the Texas court ruling that imposed a definition of Whites on Mexicans Americans and caused them to protest against segregation as a district group in the Southwest. Meanwhile, the court rejected the Mexican American claims for class representation in a class action suit demanding for equal education opportunities. Despite Mexican Americans being legally constructed as white, this status had only marginal

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Knit of the 19th century in two different cultures Essay

Knit of the 19th century in two different cultures - Essay Example This essay discusses that it is also important to speak about the changes brought by the French Revolution as well as wars in England that disrupted the knit trade. In general, â€Å"the knitting industry began to decline in the 19th century†. Despite this fact, people continued to knit clothes for personal use.Thus, one may arrive at a conclusion that English knitting was more developed and organized. It is due to the fact that there were great differences between these two countries. It is patent that Britain of the 19th century was a powerful independent Kingdom dominating all over the globe. At the same time, there was no such a notion as the country of Iceland. At that time, its territories were dependent on the Denmark. Nevertheless, one cannot deny the fact that both cultures have something in common when speaking about the production of knitted clothing. In both cultures, men along with women were involved in it. In addition to that, the end of the century for both cul tures signified the switch to the knitting machines (Davis, 2014). Despite it, they tried to make use of certain cultural traditions to satisfy the demands of the market. Besides, they both preserved their unique features and traditions that the knitters apply to this very day. What is more important is that even when these cultures witnessed the decline of the knit manufacture, they continued to produce the knitted clothes for themselves, as they were aware of that these ones became a part of their identity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HRM Assignment this is a Business degree Report

HRM this is a Business degree Report - Assignment Example This is what had happened to Bolton Wonderers wherein one of their female nutritionist had claimed for an equal pay. The main thrust of this paper is to provide the management team with advices in relation to legal and procedural issues to the claim of their female employee that she is paid substantially less than her male counterparts. Legal and Procedural Issues There is discrimination in the workplace if there is hostility toward an individual based on sex, age, religion, race and even disability (Hoffman, 1999). Legal training program in every organization is mandated by the Federal and state law to avoid any sex biases. The group of women is heavily regulated with so many legislations for them to be protected from discrimination particularly in the workplace. The study of Lockwood (2006) cited that some organizations nowadays are considering woman as one of the talented pools of becoming future employees. In fact, it is suggested that women are capable even in high level special ty careers. Although it’s difficult for them to achieve an equal footing with men in the workplace, the total of women workers is increasing. They are now considered as one of the great contributors in this change in demographics and economic factors. In almost all countries, provisions and legislation with regard to the employment of women are significantly considered because these could only paved the way to equal opportunities in employment. The European Economic Community (EEC) had constructed principles that women are entitled to receive equal pay with his male counterparts, provided that they are doing equal work. â€Å"In 1975, the Council of the European Communities issued the Equal Pay Directive (75/117) which states that all discrimination on the ground of sex in respect of pay should be eliminated† (Littlejohn, 1994). The issuance of the directive obliged members to completely comply with the legislation. It is stated in the regulation that all establishment s should give a woman an equal pay with man if they are doing like work, work rated as equivalent, and work of equal value to that of the man. In addition, it has been specified in the legal procedure revised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) that an â€Å"employer can only pay a man more than a woman for doing equal work if there is a genuine and material reason for doing so which is not related to sex† (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2003, p.2). A sex discrimination in pay would exist if the employer’s reason is based on higher market value wherein it would regard the job as for male only. In the case of the female nutritionist, she claimed that she has grounds for an equal pay claim over his male counterparts who are the physiotherapists and the coaches. The claim could be considered by the management team considering that it is stated in the law that work of equal value would entitle the women to claim for an equal pay. The Legal Procedure Filing a sex discrimination in pay is a complicated process, and so the law provides a legal procedure for individual who wants to file a suit against their employers for an equal pay claim. If the female nutritionist would take a claim for equal pay with his male counterparts, then the issue should be first introduced to the management team of Bolton Wanderers being her employer. The issue should be first settled between the employee and the employer by applying the company’

Unweeded garden Essay Example for Free

Unweeded garden Essay Although audiences of today have not experienced such a controversy among the royal family as in the 1600s, they would still understand how immoral the marriage between Claudius and Gertrude is and would recognise how it brings instability in the royal household and consequently the state. Although, some of those in a modern audience would see it as an affair too close too home which is likely to cause emotional distress for Hamlet rather than as incestuous. Modern audiences would also understand how the state depends on the control and stability of the royal family. If there is decay and dislocation in the royal family, the state will suffer. Subsequently, the state transforms from a place of peace to an unweeded garden in which there is disorder. This imagery of the unweeded garden clearly illustrates the idea of transformation. Denmark used to be a state where there was control and order, just like a garden. However, the same way a garden that has not been looked after produces weeds, is the same way a country without control creates disorder. This then leads to chaos and finally foul play leaving the state rank and gross in nature. During Hamlet, not only Denmark goes through a transformation, the characters themselves go through a transformation during the course of the play. The language used shows this. Looking at Claudius language in the beginning of the play, it is confident and eloquent. He deals with four items of business: his accession; the threat from young Fortinbras; Laertess suit and Hamlets behaviour. There are no interruptions during the Kings speech other than agreement from his faithful courtiers. However, this only occurs because each of them are involved in the manipulation of the kingdom as they gain great rewards from their king. Each affair is emphasised with a caesura. Taken to wife. underlines that Gertrude is his wife, no questions asked and So much for him. ends all conversation to do with the previous king. Intellectual language is also used filial obligation which shows his authority as king. However, as the play progresses, Claudius character transforms into a different king. During the scene in which Claudius prays for forgiveness, the audience are confronted with a different character. The language here is very unlike the language in the beginning of the play. There are many questions and the character becomes trapped in the language. What then? What rests? What can it not? The language also emphasises the characters now tortured soul as in the syntax Pray can I not instead of I can not pray. It could be argued that as Denmark changes, so does its king. The decay and dislocation of the state has an effect on Claudius and so instead of being in control like before, he is unable to hold the state together. Like Claudius, Hamlet also transforms during the play. One might say that this character is the core concept of transformation. The language in the beginning of the play displays Hamlets weariness conveyed by the listless tempo of the words How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. The verse starts and stops, punctuated by expressions of pain and confusion: -why, she she married-O most wicked speed! Hamlet transforms from circumstances in which he cannot understand himself or the world he is living in into states of despair or even anger. Hamlet often questions the existence of man what piece of work is a man? and Shakespeare shows the characters incomprehension with long speeches containing long sentences in which there are many questions Hamlet is asking himself such as: What is this quintessence of dust? Shakespeare shows Hamlets despair with dismal consistency of tone and tempo as the character seeks to find out whether he is equal to the task that has been set. This contrasts with scenes in which the language of Hamlet is agitated and irritated. Shakespeare emphasises his disgust with disease imageries referring to prostitutes especially when confronted with Gertrude or Ophelia: you jig, you amble In the closet scene, while Hamlet speaks to his mother, his language transforms once again. The words used are similar to that which a preacher uses for love of grace Confess yourself to heaven repent virtue However, the greatest transformation affecting Hamlet, happens when Hamlet has just returned from England. The encounter with Fortinbras army encourages Hamlet to reflect on the nature of honour and resolves him to have bloody and impulsive thoughts: O, from this time forth My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth. (iv. iv. 65-4) Hamlet announces: This is I, Hamlet the Dane (v. i. 251-2) And in doing so, he demonstrates that he finally understands who he is and what responsibilities he must uphold. Transformation occurs not only through Denmark but also through the characters. The closing action of the play is the removal of the bodies from the field and this could be seen as the finally transformation. The bodies from the Denmark in which there was corruption and dislocation are removed in order to make way for a new Denmark, a Denmark for the living. Whether this final action determines a positive outcome for the state is for the audience to decide, however, the atmosphere at the end of the play contains some element of hope rather than complete despair as in the opening scene. The theme of transformation therefore introduces and concludes Shakespeares play, Hamlet.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Algorithm to Enhance Radio Wave Propagation Strength

Algorithm to Enhance Radio Wave Propagation Strength A New Algorithm to Enhance Radio Wave Propagation Strength in Dead Spots for Cellular Mobile WiFi Downloads Using Cloud Networks Signal loss is a major problem for cellular wireless devices, resulting in dropped calls and failure in downloading data. Our research uses a combination of different interaction models to provide an easy interface to replace traditional control methods for maintaining signal levels. The lossy WiFi wave propagation around and within buildings is studied utilizing college buildings at the University of Bridgeport (UB) campus in Bridgeport CT. These buildings serve as good experimental settings because they exemplify typical signal dead spots, locations where little to no WiFi signal is available. In this paper, we investigate path loss propagation inside and outside buildings and we identify and categorize these problems. We then apply our path loss propagation algorithmic models to show that signal strength is significantly improved when compared to existing algorithms. Finally, we show the efficiency of our model and explain the specifics of our algorithm. Cellular Mobile Communication keeps growing so fast on the market worldwide so that they become our everyday companions. Over the last twenty years, globally, Mobile Communication users have raised a specifically rich multimedia service which forces telecommunication vendors as well as the operators to set significant efforts in order to fulfill client’s needs. The use of Wi-Fi for internet is widely increasing especially in mobile devices where Wi-Fi enabled, which gives results in expanding hotspots, and user acceptance also grows. Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) presented its research about global mobile data traffic, and VNI research indicated that this traffic will increase 18-fold from 2011 to 2016, and will reach 10.8 exabytes per month. Recent technologists and mobile industries never viewed the roles for Wi-Fi in the new phones networks. The changes in the mobile and the offloading data traffic to Wi-Fi can and it plays the significant role to avoid clogged networ ks are realized by mobile operators [12]. From all these we conclude that the key component of the information security is the data transfer and it’s daily importance in our life. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) gained high acceleration, the reason of the necessity to pre-evaluate signals that are transmitted under Line-of-Sight (LOS) and /or none (NLOS) radio wave propagation in the indoor environments. These transmissions have main problem which is the difficulty to predict indoor radio wave propagations because of the invisibility between the transmitter and the receiver [15]. Related work Yuko MIURA, et. al. [1] proposed a propagation model which accurately predicts outdoor-to-indoor propagation loss; this model depends on the angle dependency of the losses with the paths that penetrate the indoor area. Radio waves transmitted from the base station first propagate outdoors to the building’s external wall. Next, the radio waves penetrate the structure’s external wall. Last, the penetration waves propagate inside the building for the receiver. Outdoor-to-indoor propagation loss is estimated by predicting the propagation losses of those three parts. The losses of those three propagation processes might be calculated individually, and the path loss between base station and mobile station is usually expressed since the amount of these losses in dB [1]. Greg Durgin et. al. [2] developed measurement-based path loss for propagation prediction; these measurements aided the development of outdoor-to-indoor communication systems for wireless internet access, wirele ss cable distribution, and wireless local loops. Iskandar et. al. [3] evaluated the propagation loss as a function of elevation and azimuth angels, and observed the link budget in the estimation to the required transmitted power at several transmission rates of IMT-2000. Gerd Wà ¶lfle et. al. [4] proposed a new concept called dominant model in which focuses on the dominant paths between transmitter and receiver for the planning of wireless networks. [4] Prepared a comparison between cellular or WLAN in urban considering indoors either direct ray or ray tracing propagation and urban city centers in multi-floor buildings. Oliver Stà ¤bler et. al. [5] presented a deterministic approach for the evaluation of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks in urban and indoor, beside evaluated the signal levels in the expected MIMO capacity. N. Faruk et. al. [6] conducted measurements at 203.25 MHz and 583.25 MHz frequencies along ten routes in Ilorin City, in order to fit the measured data wi th lognormal propagation loss, [6] used least square regression method, and investigated the behavior of the TV signals in the same environment in building penetration loss across the routes. Thomas Schwengler, et. al. [7] presented propagation at 5.725 GHz – 5.825 GHz within the U.S Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) band. Measured propagation path loss in a residential area at 5.8 GHz. Separated the data sets into line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS), as much as obtained noteworthy results since propagation models were designed for cellular and PCs use at lower frequency and narrow-band channels. Sheryl L. Howard et. al. [8] presented the use of error-control coding (ECC) which used in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in order to determine the energy efficiency of ECC in WSNs. As much as derived an expression for critical distance dCR, where the decoder’s energy consumption per bit equals the transmit energy savings per bit, also showed that in crowded environments and office buildings dCR dropped significantly to 3m or greater at 10 GHz without considering the interference. Alyosha Molnar, et. al. [9] presented 900 MHz, ultra-low power RF transceiver for wireless WSNs, and demonstrated them to communicate over 16 meters through walls at a bit rate of 20 kbps. Jun Wang et. al. [10] used an adaptive back-off strategy to achieve fairly uniform cluster head distribution across the network. References Yuko MIURA, Yasuhiro ODA, and Tokio TAGA, Outdoor-To-Indoor Propagation Modeling with The Identification of Path Passing Through Wall Openings, Wireless Laboratories, NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 3-5 Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan, 0-7803-7589-0/02/$17.00  ©2002 IEEE. Greg Durgin, Theodore S. Rappaport, Hao Xu, Measurements and Models for Radio Path Loss and Penetration Loss In and Around Homes and Trees at 5.85 GHz, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 46, No. 11, November 1998. Iskandar and Shigeru Shimamoto, Prediction of Propagation Path Loss for Stratospheric Platforms Mobile Communications in Urban Site LOS/NLOS Environment, pp. 5643-5648, 1-4244-0355-3/06/$20.00 (c) 2006 IEEE. Gerd Wà ¶lfle, Renà © Wahl, Pascal Wildbolz, and Philipp Wertz, Dominant Path Prediction Model for Indoor and Urban Scenarios, AWE Communications GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 36, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany, Oliver Stà ¤bler, Reiner Hoppe, Gerd Wà ¶lfle, Thomas Hager, Timm Herrmann, Consideration of MIMO in the Planning of LTE Networks in Urban and Indoor Scenarios, AWE Communications GmbH Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 36, 71034 Bà ¶blingen, Germany. N. Faruk, A. A. Ayeni, Y. A. Adediran, Characterization Of Propagation Path Loss at VHF/UHF Bands for Ilorin City, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH) Vol. 32. No. 2. July 2013, pp. 253-265Copyright © Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, ISSN 1115-8443. Thomas Schwengler, and Mike Gilbert, Propagation Models at 5.8 GHz –Path Loss Building Penetration, U S WEST Advanced Technologies, Boulder, CO 80303. Tel. e-mail respectively: 303-541-6052, [emailprotected] and 303-541-6257, [emailprotected]. Sheryl L. Howard, Christian Schlegel and Kris Iniewski, Error Control Coding in Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks: When is ECC Energy-Efà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ cient, Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2V4 Email: sheryl,schlegel,[emailprotected]. Alyosha Molnar, Benson Lu, Steven Lanzisera, Ben W. Cook and Kristofer S. J. Pister, An Ultra-low Power 900 MHz RF Transceiver for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2004 CUSTOM INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CONFERENCE, 0-7803-8495-4/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE. Jun Wang, Yong-Tao Cao, Jun-Yuan Xie, CCF and Shi-Fu Chen, Energy Efficient Backoff Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 26(2): 283{291 Mar. 2011. DOI 10.1007/s11390011-1131-x, 2011 Springer Science +Business Media, LLC Science Press, China. Mar. 2011, Vol.26, No.2.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Racial Profiling: Driving While Black is a Real Offense in America Essa

â€Å"In recent years, scores of African Americans and Latinos, including prominent athletes, members of Congress, actors, lawyers, business leaders and even police officers, have experienced the humiliation of being stopped on the nation’s highways upon suspicion of a crime. Few white motorists can tell the same story.† (Bouie 2014). Most colored motorists have had this feeling at least once while driving. The article, "It's Been Proven: "Driving While Black" is a Real Thing" takes a look at incidents around the United States where the multitude of racial stops have been questioned. They explore three sides of the â€Å"driving while black† issue: whites who feel they have never experienced this or were let off for not being colored, blacks who feel they have been discriminated against, and cops defending the force and believing this does not happen. Many State Troopers were being investigated for a variety of discriminatory stops. An attorney, William Merton, has been a part of the investigation of the troopers and found some very interesting information. A man named John Mean was pulled over by the troopers, where he was driving the same speed as the cars around him and he was pulled over. He then was threatened, with the probability of a search warrant, to give up his privacy rights and be searched. His car was then searched and he was release with a warning, twenty-five minutes later. This incident, like many others, was not reported, which shows a suspicion in the data collected from the department (Bouie 2014). Through a debate with Christopher A. Darden, an Associate Professor of Law at Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles and Byron Warnken, a Professor of Law at the University of Baltimore School of Law, they ex... ...tute. Web. 28 May 2015. Bouie, Jamelle. "It's Been Proven: "Driving While Black" is a Real Thing" The Daily Beast. Jan. 10 2014. Web. 1 June 2015. Martin, Rich. (2010). "Police Corruption" FBI Web. 23 May 2015. Harris, David A. ACLU. (1999). "DRIVING WHILE BLACK: RACIAL PROFILING ON OUR NATION'S HIGHWAYS" American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 18 May 2015. Harris, D. (n.d.). Cost of Getting Stopped. THE STORIES, THE STATISTICS, AND THE LAW: WHY "DRIVING WHILE BLACK" MATTERS. Web. 30 May 2015.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman :: play, marxism,

Throughout the play The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman, the influence of Marxism is commonly displayed. The Hubbard’s are portrayed as constantly going against the social conforms that would be set in a Marxist society. They each pursue wealth or a social status. For what they covet, they go above and beyond to obtain. In the process they hurt other people. They each sacrifice their integrity to gain this wealth and status. Hellman’s title highlights the opposition of Marxism that is portrayed in the play. The title of the play comes from the bible. In that portion referred to it states that the foxes, which are represented by the Hubbard’s, will destroy the glory of the new south because their greed for power is so great. (Watson 173). The Hubbard’s all destroy each other for money. They want to build a cotton factory where costs are cheep and they make a lot of profit. However, to achieve this they have to step on many people toes and exploit workers (Hellman 159). Regina’s determination to gain wealth was unwavering. She let her husband die because he was not going to report her brothers for stealing his bonds. Regina then turns on her brothers and demands a greater percentage of the money since she can destroy them because they stole Horace’s bonds. To Regina, money means freedom to escape and go to the south where social standing is measured by the cloths and jewelry you have. This is against Marxist society because Marxists believe that everyone should be equal in money and standing (Hamilton 172). Regina wants to go to Chicago and Paris but in the process she lets her husband die and looses the love of Alexandra (Galens 165). She now has the option to have the bright, flamboyant social life she wanted but she can only have it alone now. Ben Hubbard has cheated and manipulated to gain his wealth. In the play Regina states that Ben has cheated so many men to get where he is now that his reputation is ruined around the area. Ben has no need for money; he ultimately wants to remain childless and wifeless. Thus, his desire for money is solely for a capitalist purpose. He is only interested in build his empire (Hamilton 172). To build his empire he needs to land a deal with Marshall. To do so he tries to make a big point of how much better his father rules Birdy’s family’s plantation and the differences between old southern aristocracy and new one.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Last Night Analysis

The Last Night At the beginning of the passage it is instantaneously established that the circumstances in which the two brothers, Andre and Jacob, are currently residing in are appalling. These would be the same conditions that most of the Jewish people would have been residing in prior to being taken to concentration camps. We are aware that the conditions are poor as Faulks tells us that ‘Andre was lying on the floor’ which implies that he has nowhere else to sleep, it also shows how exhausted he must have been as young boys would not normally be resting.We are also informed at the start of the passage that the boys are French-Jewish, by their names. As Andre lies on the floor a Jewish orderly comes round with postcards on which the deportees can write their final message. This shows us that a percentage of the Jewish people were collaborating with the Nazis, although the Jewish orderly would have been lower than the Germans they still had a sense of responsibility. T his could have looked like a betrayal from the view of the rest of the Jewish people.Furthermore, even though the Jewish orderly has joined forces with the Nazis he is still sneaking postcards for the Jewish people to write their final messages on. This portrays a sense of loyalty from the Jewish orderly. Here Faulks calls the Jewish people ‘deportees’ which reminds us, after a pleasant picture of the Jewish orderly’s loyalty, that they are being deported by force. Following on from this we are told that they are to write their final messages on the postcards which again enables us to reminisce on the circumstances. Faulks does this by using the word ‘final’.This emphasises that this potentially could be the last thing that the Jewish people ever write which truly illustrates to us the reality of the situation. The ‘final message’ could also allude to Hitler’s final solution which would portray how the Jewish people were regarded and consequently the terrifying experience that they had to go through. However, the Jewish orderly does not take the postcards to send but instructs the Jewish people to ‘throw them from the train as camp orders forbade access to the post’. This not only shows us the collaboration from the Jewish orderly, as he would not help them any further.The Jewish people were told to throw their postcards from the train, this implies that they would throw the postcards from the train with the hope that a French person would find it and send it on. This reminds us that, although the French person may have sent the postcard on, there was still a great amount more of French people in France at that time rather than Germans. This shows us that the French people have subconsciously, or some consciously, collaborated with the Germans. Faulks then uses the same technique that he used earlier in the passage by creating a pleasant image for the reader followed by a glimpse of reality.He d oes this here by constructing a pleasing image of the Jewish people’s final messages being found and sent on to then remind the reader that they are in fact on their way to a death camp. As the Jewish people write their final messages we are informed that there are two or three pencils being passed around, pencils that had survived the barracks search. Yet again this gives us an idea about the type of environment that the brothers are in as Parisian buses can hold around four hundred people yet there are only two to three pencils.The fact that they are not even allowed to have pencils portrays how the Jewish people were treated. During this Faulks includes that the Jewish people had been through the barracks search which once more reminds us of their inevitable futures. How the Jewish people react while writing their postcards are really conveys their experience as ‘some wrote with sobbing passion, some with punctilious care’. The reader is immediately drawn to t his as Faulks has used plosives within the sentence.This phrase shows us how people react differently in situations that they cannot control: one phrase is emotional and effective, the other clipped and precise. Furthermore they would have believed that this letter is how they would have been remembered and as we are later told they viewed that their safety almost depended on their letter. In addition the people writing with ‘punctilious care’ could refer to the novel for the reason that as Faulks writes he does so vigilantly because he has not experienced what he is writing about, therefore he needs to choose his language carefully, given the subject is a serious matter.A woman comes round giving sandwiches and water to the children. We are told that the children ‘clustered’ around the pail of water as they passed sardine cans from one to another. I think that you feel as though the woman is a caring person who would have made the children feel as comforta ble as possible throughout; this conveys a pleasant image to the reader. Faulks uses the word pail instead of bucket which could allude to the loss of colour and furthermore loss of hope of the Jewish people. The children ‘clustered’ round the pail of water, while using sardine cans to drink from, once again presenting us with how the Jewish people were treated by the Germans. The sardine cans are passed from one to another which gives us the sense that they are suffering together and how the worst side of humanity can often bring out the best side of humanity. While the younger children are drinking the water an older boy embraced the woman ‘in his gratitude’ which shows us that he is so grateful that he feels as if physical contact was needed to get across his appreciation, which is very rare for a teenage boy.This shows us how this experience would have had a vast effect on peoples’ behaviour. Once again Faulks uses the same technique to remind th e reader of reality, by leading on from the older boy showing his appreciation to telling us that the bucket was soon empty. The author now uses the word bucket instead of pail which could refer to the idea of a bucket list and the realisation that only a small percentage of the Jewish people would have made it out of the death camps alive. The phrase ‘the bucket was soon empty’ also seems to carry a resonance beyond its basic meaning.After the woman left we are told that the brothers fall asleep with ‘only the small hours of the night to go through’. This refers to how slowly the hours go when you are attempting to sleep; their lack of sleep also portrays the worry of the Jewish people. Faulks tells us that Andre was sleeping on the straw, ‘the soft bloom of his cheek laid, uncaring, in the dung. ’ The fact that Andre was sleeping in dung and on straw implies that the Jewish people were treated like animals as Faulks makes the comparison.Furth ermore Faulks grants us with a pleasant image of the ‘soft bloom’ of Andre’s cheek which gives us a pleasing illustration within the unpleasant illustration of the dung in which Andre is lying. Additionally Andre’s limbs are intertwined with Jacob’s which also presents us with a pleasing image. These I believe show us that there is some hope, in terms of human contact, within a horrible circumstance. As the children slept, ‘the adults in the room sat slumped against the walls, wakeful and talking in lowered voices. Faulks describes how the adults sat as being ‘slumped against the walls’, I feel that this gives a sense of depression and also resignation which portrays the atmosphere within the room. The adults are talking with ‘lowered voices’ which demonstrates their thoughtfulness towards the children who have managed to sleep, the fact that the children are able to sleep reminds us of their innocence and therefore t he terrible circumstances that only a small percentage of the children will become adults. Such thoughts are inevitable, given the date of the novel (1999); Faulks only need to hint at such things.As the morning arrives water is passed around for anyone who is thirsty. We are told that anyone who did drink drank in ‘silence’ which I believe gives us a sense of the unknown as everyone is waiting and pondering as to what will happen next. As they drank there was ‘the noise of an engine – a familiar sound to many of them, the homely thudding of a Parisian bus. ’ Most of the Jewish people in the room would have taken these buses in their day to day lives, to go to the shops or to go to school; this shows us how something so familiar to them can change so rapidly to become something so unfamiliar.It is a ‘homely thudding’ they hear which is extremely ironic that they are being transported to be killed using Parisian buses; it once again gives us a sense of the collaboration between the French and the Germans. Before the Jewish people progress onto the buses there is a register taken. As the registration took place ‘five white-and-green municipal buses’ sat in the corner of the yard, ‘trembling’. The white-and-green municipal buses are not just normal French buses but the buses of the capital, you almost get the sense that the buses trembled as they were afraid of where they were going.The trembling could also represent the fear of the Jewish people. The word ‘municipal’ almost implies the buses are part of the collaboration in what was known as Vichy France. As a policeman called out names in alphabetical order the ‘commandant of the camp’ sat at a long table, not only does this again show us the collaboration between the French and Germans as it is a French ‘gendarme’ calling out the names but it also gives us an idea of what the Germans were like.It is a lmost as if because the Germans are calling their names in alphabetical order it makes the situation more respectable. It is bizarre how the Germans made mass murder organised. As the registrations takes place Andre’s name is called and he moves towards the bus with Jacob, this shows us the bond between the brothers and their instinct to stick together as Jacob’s name was not called. When Andre’s name is called it almost tells us that it was his destiny to be there, as if the register was a register of death that he could not have escaped from.While the brothers walked towards the bus we are told a woman was wailing from the other side of the courtyard and ‘from windows open on the dawn, a shower of food was thrown towards them. ’ Firstly Faulks portrays the awful side to human nature as it is ironic that it is now dawn which should mark a new day and new hope yet the Jewish people remain hopeless however Faulks then shows us the best side of human nature as a woman throws her own food to put the children’s needs before her own.As the woman calls the brothers name it shows us the loss of their identity as they would have no longer been called by their names but by numbers. Briefly after this Andre looked up and by ‘chance’ he saw a woman staring at a child, at first he believed that the woman was staring at the child with hatred however he soon realised she was attempting to fix a picture of the child so that she may have remembered forever.This shows us that, as Andre saw it by chance, there was luck within the awful circumstances however it also shows us how dreadful the circumstances were as a woman knows she would never see the child again and was trying to fix an image so that she could remember ‘forever’. As Andre ‘mounted the bus’ we are told that ‘he held on hard’ to Jacob, I believe that it is ironic that the Jewish people were mounting the bus which is a posi tive motion, yet they were being transported to their deaths.Furthermore Faulks uses alliteration as ‘he held on hard’, this phrase underlines the desperation of the brothers as you get the sense that they believe if they hold on tightly to one another it will protect them. Some children could not manage to get onto the buses as they were too small which highlights how young some of the Jewish people were and once again reminds us of the harsh reality that only a small percentage of these children would have become adults.Andre’s bus was momentarily delayed as a baby of a few months was being lifted into the back of the bus, this once again shows us how awful the situation was as the baby was so young yet the Germans would have not hesitated to kill it. The baby’s wooden crib was hung over the passenger rail; this is contradictory as the Jewish people are no longer passengers but prisoners. As the bus leaves the headlights lit up a ‘cafe opposite bef ore the driver turned the wheel and headed for the station. ’ This shows us that all of this was done before the day began which shows us once again how organised the Germans were.Furthermore the headlights lit up a cafe which again shows great irony as cafes are a symbol of Paris, the city of love and hope, yet the Jewish people are hopeless. The driver turning the wheel could allude to the wheel of fortune as the wheel is headed for the cafe, an image of hope and joy, yet is turned the other way which will eventually lead to their deaths. I think that this passage was edited well, for the anthology, so that it leaves people wondering what happens next and also ends on the contradicting images of the Parisian cafe and the final destination.